The average house price on MILL LANE is £468,767
The most expensive house in the street is GRASMERE MILL LANE with an estimated value of £711,043
The cheapest house in the street is CELL SITE HER0196 MILL LANE with an estimated value of £4,645
The house which was most recently sold was THE OLD MILL MILL LANE, this sold on 8 Aug 2019 for £275,000
The postcodes for MILL LANE are GL19 3QH, GL19 3SH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
CELL SITE HER0196 MILL LANE £4,645 £3,000 11 Jun 2014
COITY MILL LANE Detached £549,034 £320,000 10 Aug 2012
GRASMERE MILL LANE Detached £711,043 £298,000 22 May 2003
MILLBROOK MILL LANE Detached £499,317 £289,000 10 Feb 2012
THE BUNGALOW MILL LANE Detached £707,656 £450,000 21 Sep 2007
THE OLD MILL MILL LANE £340,910 £275,000 8 Aug 2019